The Vermilyea's VisitRyan's family came into town a few days before Christmas. We had a great visit with them. His parents and siblings got to be here, along with Katie and Frank. They even brough their little dog, too! :) Caroline seemed to love the constant attention.
On Christmas Eve we ate lunch at a Chick-fil-a Dwarf House. It was a pretty neat place! If you haven't tried one out, go there if you are ever around Atlanta. (Oh, and if you are around Atlanta, please let us know....we will meet you there! We are always up for some Chick-fil-a!)
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve service at our church. It was at 11:30 PM, so that was interesting. We got Caroline up and went, because we didn't want to miss it! She did well and actually stayed awake for the whole 30 minute service. The service was a wonderful time focusing on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Check out our pictures from their visit! (Christmas morning pics will be later...)